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Domain Transform for Edge-Aware Image and Video Processing

HDR Tone Mapping Examples

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Our detail layers where obtained using the RF filter with: σs=20 and σr=0.33 for J1; σs=50 and σr=0.67 for J2; σs=100 and σr=1.34 for J3. All smoothing levels Ji where obtained from the input log-luminance. The compressed luminance channel LC was obtained as LC = 0.12 + μ + 0.9 (B-μ) + 0.3 D0 + 0.2 D1 + 0.2 D2, where B = (J3 - min(J3))/(max(J3) - min(J3)) and μ = mean(B). Memorial radiance map courtesy of Paul Debevec. Result produced by EAW taken from Fattal [2009], with permission. Result produced by WLS was generated using the source code available at http://www.cs.huji.ac.il/~danix/epd/.


Our detail layers where obtained using the RF filter with: σs=20 and σr=0.23 for J1; σs=50 and σr=0.45 for J2; σs=100 and σr=0.90 for J3. All smoothing levels Ji where obtained from the input log-luminance. The compressed luminance channel LC was obtained as LC = 0.05 + B + 0.4 D0 + 0.3 D1 + 0.3 D2, where B = (J3 - min(J3))/(max(J3) - min(J3)). Desk radiance map © Industrial Light & Magic. All rights reserved. (Click here for license).